Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012


Increasing Our Interesting in Reading
We must increase our interesting in reading as  early as possible. Scientists advised that a baby must be stimulated early to know their surroundings. One of the ways to do that is introduce them with reading. By started reading early, we can build our reading habit well. Reading is very important in our life especially for us as future generations.
Besides it will add our knowledge, there are so many advantages of reading. Reading is a mental process that force us to understanding everything. This activity makes our brain active to think. Then, reading make us know about diversities in this world and it will increase our talking matter. Reading can increase everything. It can increase our concentration and confidence, and absolutely our ability in writing. Some of people think that reading can decrease their boredom, because it increases our imaginations of everything.
As future generations that will lead the world, we must build our reading habit early, then increase it more and more. Some ways to increase our reading are :
1.      Finding a good topic to read. As long as you like the topic, you will feel happy to read.
2.      Finding a best seller book.
3.      You do not need understanding all of the word in reading. You must read it first until finish then try to understand the meaning.
4.      Finding a good place for reading. If you feel comfortable with the place, you will feel comfortable to read too.
5.      Feeling want to know everything.
6.      If you have finished your reading, try to share it with others.


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