“Dolly”, for some people who hear this name directly shows their refusal. Not only dolly, but also there are tens to hundreds places as dolly which is called as warehouse of the prostitutes should close their places caused of the rejections. Prostitution deemed to be the opportunity for maniac of sex to conduct their ignominy. In fact, prostitution has existed since long time ago and increase year by year like mushrooms in a wet weather. Moreover, history proves that prostitution cannot be wiped out or destroyed. One of the solutions given by government is localization. However, almost people give many rejections because localization means legalize free sex which can destruct the morality of the nation generations. In fact, there is no solution instead the prostitution spreading easily around us. That’s why localization is urgent, because an effort to closing down localization isn’t the one which solve the problems; the existence of localization is a media to control the prostitute toward the infection of HIV and the expansion of prostitution by government’s intervention.
Further, an effort such as disagreement toward localization which impact to the closing down localization isn’t the one which solve the problem. The cases of prostitution can be done by several manners and medias such as by mobile or internet. Even, the prostitutes will be easier to hawk their selves on the road or be ordered by phone and facebook. It will make the social impacts become larger. The case study which conducted by Maskawi (2007) show that closing down localization made the prostitutes increase and the new places of prostitution as well. It will able to appear under cover prostitution everywhere.
Even more, localization is media to control the expansion of prostitution by the government intervention. The government always makes some interventions to minimize and aim the prostitutes to turn out from their problem. Periodically, they get some treatments and problems solving by developing skill and religious approach. So, they will have provision against their new and better life. Of course, when their provision is able to develop, as soon as possible their need will be fulfilled and they will leave their job.
Based on the reasons above we can consider how to respond the existence of localization as wise as possible. To solve the complicated problems as prostitution, we need consciously effort to confront. Being open minded, looking both of the bad and the good side, the advantage and the disadvantage, and comprehend the situation that the prostitutes is also a human which faces the problem. We should help them to take apart from their problems. That’s why, the effort to minimize the effects of prostitution can be conducted by localize the prostitutes to be handled and solved their problems.
Name : Putri Lolitha D.S
NIM : 08360203
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